
Changelog #002

Changelog #002

3 mins read

10 October, 2022
Boris Tane
Founder @Baselime
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  • A brand new console ✨
  • CloudTrail data at your fingertips for observability
  • Automatic monitoring of your CloudFormation stacks to adjust your observability to changes in your architecture
  • Streams that let you slice and dice your telemetry data based on user-defined filters, searches, and namespaces
  • A GitHub Action to bring o11y to your CI/CD pipelines
  • A Visual Studio Code extension loaded with snippets and auto-complete to make it easier to write your OaC configurations
  • Support for cron expressions when defining alerts
  • And much more…

Join our Slack community and be the first to know when we ship something. More importantly, benefit and participate in all the serverless and observability chat happening there.

💯 What’s New?

New Console

The old console was great but it wasn’t the most intuitive and was lacking in overall ease of navigation. We went back to the drawing board and crafted a new console that is easier to navigate and more consistent across sections.

New Baselime console

CloudTrail Connector

Baselime now automatically ingests telemetry data from AWS CloudTrail. AWS CloudTrail monitors and records account activity across your AWS infrastructure; but is notoriously cumbersome to query. When your CloudTrail data lands in Baselime, it’s treated like any other telemetry data and you can run arbitrary complex queries on it, set up alerts and dashboards, and investigate it with Observability as Code (OaC).

Cloudtrail connector
All the infrastructure events that happened in one of my applications over the past hour

Changes to CloudFormation stacks

Baselime applications are now directly connected to a set of CloudFormation stacks. For example, this means that when you define an alert in an application, it applies to all the infrastructure in the given CloudFormation stacks. And when you deploy new infrastructure to your AWS account, your o11y is automatically updated to reflect the change.


Streams are a way to filter your telemetry data and focus only on a subset of events. If you want to see logs that are impacting a specific user only, you can define a stream that filters for this. Streams work just like queries, but without the calculations (COUNT, P99, AVG, etc.)

Baselime streams

Baselime GitHub Action

Easily download the Baselime CLI in your GitHub action workflows and integrate o11y in your CI/CD pipelines.

Visual Studio Code extension

With the Baselime VS-Code extension, never again will you need to guess structure or schema of your telemetry data when you’re working with it. Discoverability is taken care of with powerful snippets and auto-complete capabilities powered by your telemetry data.

Baselime vs-code extension

🎯 What’s Next?

  • API Gateway & CloudFormation Connectors: We discovered that a lot of engineering teams are having difficulties with their API Gateway Logs. We’re solving this problem this coming month.
  • Deeper CI/CD integration
  • Automatic Discovery of your CloudFormation Stacks: Simply put, we’ll make it easier to automatically have your CloudFormation stacks as applications in Baselime.

👨‍💻 Hiring

We’re still a small team and we’re looking for talented people to join our distributed team:

If you want to work on building a product with the potential to change the way software is written in the future, it's the perfect time to join us!

That’s it for today! Let’s make Observability as Code the new norm!

If you’d want to give Baselime a try, just let us know, and we’ll help you get set up!

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