See inside yourVercel applications

Functions logs, error tracking, distributed tracing and web vitals, all instantly queryable and searchable

No credit card required

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Full-text log search
Ingest and search through all your Vercel logs without any code changes.
Real-time error tracking
Stay ahead of issues with automatic real-time errors tracking.
Use the pre-built Vercel dashboard or build your own, for what matters to your users.
Custom alerts
Get alerts based on custom metrics derived from your logs when something is not right.
Requests live tailing
Tail your Vercel requests and logs in real-time.
Web Vitals
Optimise the quality of the user experience om your web applications.

These developers trust us

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Baselime?
Is Baselime free to use?
What data does Baselime collect from Vercel?
Can I control the data Baselime receives?
Can I use Baselime outside of Vercel?
How is Baselime different from other logging solutions?
Does Baselime have an impact on my Vercel bill?

Install on Vercel now

Connect your Vercel account and start resolving errors before they become problems.

Start resolving issues today.
Without the hassle.
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