Observability is commonly abbreviated as o11y. This comes from a software engineering convention to shorten longer words by replacing the middle letters with the number of letter between the first and last letter in the word, hence "observability" can be abbreviated as "o11y".
Explore related concepts
Observability is the ability to understand how your application is working and behaving in production through telemetry data (logs, metrics, traces, wide events, etc.). It enables you detect, diagnose and resolve issues in your app before they impact your users and become problems.
Distributed Tracing
Distributed Tracing is a method for tracking the flow of requests through your application. It enables you to follow the journey of a request as it travels across multiple services, so you can see where things might be going wrong.
Logging is the process of recording events, actions, or messages that occur within an application, typically for troubleshooting or analysis purposes.