# Edge Logger

Cloudflare Logpush is not available in all Cloudflare edge environments. In those environments, it's necessary to emit logs from within the process. The Baselime Edge Logger enables you to send logs from your Cloudflare edge environments to Baselime regardless of the platform.

It enables logging from:

# Usage

Step 1: Install the @baselime/edge-logger package.

npm i @baselime/edge-logger

Step 2: Add the BASELIME_API_KEY to your your environment variables


Step 3: Use the logger

import { BaselimeLogger } from '@baselime/edge-logger'

export interface Env {

export default {
  async fetch(req: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
    const logger = new BaselimeLogger({
      apiKey: env.BASELIME_API_KEY,
      service: 'my-service',
      dataset: 'cloudflare',
      namespace: 'my-worker-name',
      requestId: crypto.randomUUID(),

    // Use the Baselime Edge logger to log
    logger.info('Hello, World!', { foo: 'bar' })

    // Make sure to add this to flush the logs to Baselime before the return statement
    return new Response('Request Completed');

# Supported methods

logger.info("This is an informational message", { payload: { foo: "bar" } });
logger.warn("This is a warning message", { payload: { foo: "bar" } });
logger.error("This is an error message", { payload: { foo: "bar" } });

# Local Development

To get logs appropriately formatted in your local development environment using wrangler, add the IS_LOCAL_MODE environment variable to your .dev.var file.


And use it when configurting the BaselimeLogger.

export default {
  async fetch(req: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
    const logger = new BaselimeLogger({
      apiKey: env.BASELIME_KEY,
      isLocalDev: env.IS_LOCAL_DEV

    logger.info("Pretty Formatted Logs", { foo: "bar" });


Local development mode is disabled by default to improve performance.

# Configuration

The BaselimeLogger class takes the following configuration options

Property Type Description
ctx ExecutionContext Execution context
apiKey string API key for authentication
dataset string (optional) Dataset name
service string (optional) Service name
namespace string (optional) Namespace
flushAfterMs number (optional) Wait time to flush the logs to Baselime
flushAfterLogs number (optional) Threshold number of logs to flush
requestId string (optional) Request ID
isLocalDev boolean (optional) Indicates if it's for local development