# Installing the Baselime CLI

The Baselime CLI enables you to interact with Baselime and your observability data through the command line.

# Installing

  • Installing with Homebrew
brew tap baselime/tap
brew install baselime
  • Installing with curl
curl -s https://get.baselime.io | bash
  • Installing with npm
npm install @baselime/cli -g
  • Installing with curl
curl -s https://get.baselime.io | sudo bash
  • Installing with npm
npm install @baselime/cli -g
  • Installing with npm
npm install @baselime/cli -g

Optionally, you can download the latest version of the Baselime CLI binary from the releases page on GitHub.

  1. Download the binary for your operating system and architecture (e.g., baselime_linux_x64 or baselime_darwin_x64).
  2. Unzip the tarball with tar -xf baselime-<os>-<arch>-<version>.tar.gz
  3. Make the binary executable with chmod +x baselime.
  4. Move the binary to a directory in your PATH, such as /usr/local/bin, with mv baselime /usr/local/bin/baselime.

# Verifying the installation

Verify that the Baselime CLI was installed with:

baselime --version

# Authenticating the CLI

Before you can use the Baselime CLI, you must authenticate it with your Baselime account.

baselime login

# Updating the Baselime CLI

To update the Baselime CLI to the latest version, use one of the following commands depending on how you originally installed it:

  • If you installed with brew, run brew upgrade @baselime/cli
  • If you installed with curl, run baselime upgrade
  • If you installed with npm, run npm update -g @baselime/cli