# ORL Queries

ORL (Observability Reference Language) queries are used to retrieve and analyze data from various datasets in order to gain insights and improve observability of systems and services.

# Sample Query Spec

Here’s a sample ORL spec that uses all of the supported settings for defining queries in Baselime. Use it to get started creating your own queries.

  # This is a query type definition
  type: query
    # Provide a description for the query
    description: > 
      Computes the average request duration, maximum response size, and
      p95 requestLatency for each user ID in the otel traces dataset, filtered
      to only include user IDs with a request duration greater than 500ms, up to
      100 users.
      # Specify the datasets to be queried
        - otel
      # Define the calculations to be performed on the data
        - AVG(event.duration)
        - MAX(event.response.size)
        - P95(event.duration)
        - COUNT
      # Define filters to be applied to the data
        - event.duration > 500
      # Specify how the data should be grouped
        type: string
        # Group the data by user ID
        value: event.attributes.userId
        # Limit the results to 100 users
        limit: 100
        # Order the results by average request duration
        orderBy: AVG(event.duration)
        # Sort the results in descending order
        order: DESC
      # Define a needle to search for in the haystack of all the telemetry data
        # Specify the value to search for
        value: error
        # Indicate that this is not a regular expression
        isRegex: false
        # Match the case of the search term
        matchCase: true

# properties

ORL queries have a set of properties that define the query's characteristics and behavior.

# description (optional)

The description of the ORL query is a string that provides more information about the query. It can include details about the data being queried, the calculations being performed, and any other relevant information.


description: This query calculates the average request duration for each user ID in the logs dataset.

# parameters

The parameters of an ORL query define the datasets to query, the calculations to perform on the data, and any filters or groupings to apply.

# datasets

The datasets parameter is an array of strings that specify the names of the datasets to query. ORL supports querying multiple datasets simultaneously, allowing you to analyze data from different sources in a single query.


  - lambda-logs
  - cloudwatch-metrics
  - otel

# filters (optional)

The filters parameter is an array of strings that specify conditions to filter the data by. Each string follows this format: 'key operation value', where key is the field to filter on, operation is the comparison operator to use, and value is the value to compare against. ORL supports the following operations:

  • =: Equals
  • !=: Does not equal
  • >: Greater than
  • >=: Greater than or equal to
  • <: Less than
  • <=: Less than or equal to
  • INCLUDES: Includes
  • DOES_NOT_INCLUDE: Does not include
  • EXISTS: Exists (applies to fields that may or may not exist in the data)
  • DOES_NOT_EXIST: Does not exist (applies to fields that may or may not exist in the data)
  • MATCH_REGEX: Matches a regular expression
  • IN: In (applies to arrays only)
  • NOT_IN: Not in (applies to arrays only)
  • STARTS_WITH: Starts with (applies to strings only)

Filters can be used to narrow down the data being analyzed and focus on specific events or attributes.


  - '@message.data.responseStatus = 404'
  - '@message.userId IN [123, 456, 789]'
  - 'requestDuration > 500'
  - 'requestMethod EXISTS'
  - 'requestPath STARTS_WITH /api'

# calculations (optional)

The calculations parameter is an array of strings that specify the calculations to perform on the data. ORL supports the following calculations:

  • COUNT: Counts the number of events.
  • COUNT_DISTINCT: Counts the number of distinct occurences of a field (applies to strings only).
  • MAX: returns the maximum value of a field.
  • MIN: returns the minimum value of a field.
  • SUM: returns the sum of all values of a field.
  • AVG: returns the average of all values of a field.
  • MEDIAN: returns the median of all values of a field.
  • STDDEV: returns the sample standard deviation of a field.
  • VARIANCE: returns the sample variance of a field.
  • P001, P01, P05, P10, P25, P75, P90, P95, P99, P999: return the specified percentile of all values of a field.

Calculations can be used to perform statistical analysis on the data and derive insights such as the average request duration, the maximum response size, or the 95th percentile of request latencies.


  - 'AVG(requestDuration)'
  - 'MAX(responseSize)'
  - 'P95(requestLatency)'

# groupBy (optional)

The groupBy parameter is an object that specifies how to segment the data by a field. It has the following fields:

  • value: The field to group the data by
  • limit: The maximum number of results to return (default: 10)
  • type: The type of the data field to group by (string, boolean, or number)
  • orderBy: The calculation to order the results by (default: the first calculation in the query)
  • order: The order in which to return the results (ASC or DESC, default: DESC)

Grouping the data by a field allows you to segment the results into distinct groups and analyze them separately.


  value: userId
  limit: 100
  type: string
  orderBy: 'AVG(requestDuration)'
  order: ASC

# needle (optional)

The needle parameter is an object that specifies a search to perform on the data. It has the following fields:

  • value: The string to search for
  • matchCase: A boolean indicating whether the search should be case-sensitive (default: false)
  • isRegex: A boolean indicating whether the search value is a regular expression (default: false)

The needle can be used to find specific set of events or patterns in the data.


  value: 'error'
  matchCase: true
  isRegex: false

# Example ORL Queries

Here are example ORL queries that combine all of the above properties.

This ORL query retrieves data from the otel traces dataset and performs several calculations on the data. It computes the average request duration, maximum response size, and 95th percentile of request latencies for each user ID in the dataset.

It filters the data to only include user IDs with a request duration greater than 500ms, and limits the results to the top 100 user IDs based on the average request duration. The results are ordered by the average request duration in descending order. The query also searches for the word "error" in the data and filters the results based on whether or not the word is present.

  type: query
    description: > 
      Computes the average request duration, maximum response size, and
      p95 requestLatency for each user ID in the otel traces dataset, filtered
      to only include user IDs with a request duration greater than 500ms, up to
      100 users.
        - otel
        - AVG(event.duration)
        - MAX(event.response.size)
        - P95(event.duration)
        - COUNT
        - event.duration > 500
        type: string
        value: event.attributes.userId
        limit: 100
        orderBy: AVG(event.duration)
        order: DESC
        value: error
        isRegex: false
        matchCase: true

This ORL query calculates the total consumed read capacity units for each DynamoDB table in a service. It filters the data to only include events with a metric_name of ConsumedReadCapacityUnits and a unit of Count, and groups the results by TableName. The query returns the top 10 tables with the highest consumed read capacity units.

  type: query
    description: Computes the total consumed read capacity units for each table in the CloudWatch metrics dataset.
        - cloudwatch-metrics
        - 'namespace = AWS/DynamoDB'
        - 'metric_name = ConsumedReadCapacityUnits'
        - SUM(value.sum)
        type: string
        value: dimensions.TableName
        limit: 10
        orderBy: SUM(value.sum)